Sunday, March 06, 2005

Zebras Are Hard To Juggle

Sorry again for the not posting more often..just so busy. Today I had usual...loving usual. I have had a reaccuring thought that if I could find a way to support myself doing this..I doubt. Then I went out to eat with my family..another buffet. My family has apparently decided that the only restaurants worth going to are buffets. I am not happy about this..because you usually sacrifice quanitity for quality. Such was the case the last two nights that I have gone. Then I went over to Jen's house to pick up Billy and ended up kicking everyone's butt during a videotaped game of "Shoot The Paper Target With A BB Gun"..or as we like to call them.."The Redneck Olympics". Andrew, Kyle, Jen, Billy, and I had a great time with that. Then Billy and I went to see Constantine. Good movie..not a great actor. Dead Chickens have a more convincing cough...frozen dead chickens...lungs removed. But the movie itself was excellent..and I was seriously ready for some Eric and Billy time. I miss my best friend. The night was salt and peppered with "the last time I was here I was with..." the beginning..then that ended and conversation was a lot better. Now I am home..and going to bed. I'll blog later.

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