Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Blogging From Class

So I am in Acting II, blogging. We are supposed to be working on our scenes but my scene partner is going through costumes for the upcoming show at Valencia. She keeps complaining that she looks like Jesus...Then she chose a plum dress. Whatever. So Work is ridiculously busy. So...freaking...busy. I am getting my prominant Jaws tan lines. Need to go lay out or something..even out the humiliation. Tonight is the first night in a while that I have nothing do to...YAY! Going to go home, wat, clean a little, sleep early. Good times. Too bad I have to ruin it by getting up and going to work tomorrow. Anyway...things have gotten busy. I am in that show with the old folks, "Over The River And Through The Woods" it is going...awful..but not horrible. So...just a little less than tollerable. I am co-stage managing "Three Days Of Rain" with Tracy. Good times. Now my partner is putting on my pillow case from forum. HA HA HA HA HA..cough..cough...sputter...HA HA! So..now...I guess I should go and rehearse. So..yeah...I'll blog later. Unless I keep blogging now. My cousin had back surgery this morning. She is doing very well...already got up and walked a little. So...good on her. I have made a promise to hang out with Tyson from work being that the has gone back down to seasonal and we are just kinda talking about hanging out. "Look Homeward Angel" is going very well. Not sold out..but wonderful comments. I am going ot be in the musical coming up in July/August Icehouse. Not sure as what..but I got my eye on a romantic lead as usual. I'll blog later.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Feel How Big It Is

Ok..now I know how bad that sounds...and yes...it is supposed to. That was the line of the weekend. We had a potluck between shows on Saturday and Christian ate his normal 6 plates of food plus dessert...then Madeline was hugging him and rubbing his stomach and he said "Feel how big it is." and she responded with "WHAT??!?" as anyone would. We had 4 shows this weekend...it is going WONDERFULLY. I love that theater so much. Nunsense is going very well too. That's aobut it for now. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I Hate Technology, But I Love Technology

I wish I could post more often..but what with my computer not working well and everything it takes me like an hour to post..and I rarely find myself with an hour of spare time just layin around. So here I am when I should be sleeping...posting. Working my butt of at work, rehearsing and performing my butt off at the theater, and rehearsing with the older folks for "Over The River And Through The Woods" Love that part. I will try to post more in the very near future..I gotta sleep now..it's 10 o'clock and I have to be up at 5. I'll blog later.

Monday, March 14, 2005

I'll Take Solla Sollew Over Eden Any Day

So this weekend has been GREAT. GREAT Weekend. The show went very well. Not packed houses every night but the responses from the crowds were very positive. The reviewer came and even though he didn't take my picture he did make a point to come up to me and shake my hand and say it was great to see me again. He can be a jerk when it comes to reviews, pictures, and just all around human kindness..but whatever. I love Icehouse. Everyone is there because they want to be there. Everyone is professional about it because they know that if they aren't...they won't be there anymore. Terrance is an amazing director..which I am sure I have gushed on enough about over the past weeks. The title of this blog is kinda cryptic for most probably. I will explain. The past week or so I have found myself constantly singing "Solla Sollew" from Seussical. Now if you don't know the song then I will explain a little. It is a beautiful song where Horton the elephant and various other cast members talk about Solla Sollew. An place that "Some say is something like heaven" so as to quote the song. That is how I feel at Icehouse. It's just a great place to be. The cast has bonded nicely with future bonds continuing to mature. I am already booked on a trip with Joel and some others to Tennessee for some festival. No only am I booked..but I am driving. Great times. I auditioned for "The Foriegner" yesterday. I think it went well..but I won't know till later this week. So yeah..I think that's about it. The blogs have gotten few and far between cause my computer is a mess..I am going to have to wipe the harddrive and start from scratch but I don't want to lose all of my files..mostly music files and poetry and stuff...so I have to get a jump drive and then wipe the harddrive. So...yeah..it could take a while what with my current wallet moths and all. I'll blog later..when I get a chance.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Zebras Are Hard To Juggle

Sorry again for the not posting more often..just so busy. Today I had rehearsal..as usual...loving it...as usual. I have had a reaccuring thought that if I could find a way to support myself doing this..I would...no doubt. Then I went out to eat with my family..another buffet. My family has apparently decided that the only restaurants worth going to are buffets. I am not happy about this..because you usually sacrifice quanitity for quality. Such was the case the last two nights that I have gone. Then I went over to Jen's house to pick up Billy and ended up kicking everyone's butt during a videotaped game of "Shoot The Paper Target With A BB Gun"..or as we like to call them.."The Redneck Olympics". Andrew, Kyle, Jen, Billy, and I had a great time with that. Then Billy and I went to see Constantine. Good movie..not a great actor. Dead Chickens have a more convincing cough...frozen dead chickens...lungs removed. But the movie itself was excellent..and I was seriously ready for some Eric and Billy time. I miss my best friend. The night was salt and peppered with "the last time I was here I was with..." statements..in the beginning..then that ended and conversation was a lot better. Now I am home..and going to bed. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I'm Not Always On Time, Please Don't Expect That From Me

So I ended up not going to work today cause I didn't set my alarm. I woke up with just enough time to call them before I got seriously pointed. So I called. Then my plan was to make lemonade out of those lemons and sleep as late as I could and then clean the house REALLY REALLY WELL...then my mother showed up here at 9 a.m. woke me up and told me that she was going to be occupying the house today. She is planning on working in the kitchen paying bills and such..the center of the house. God times. So cleaning the kitchen, mopping, vaccuming...all out..until like 5 o'clock this afternoon when I have no desire at all to do them and she tells me that I need to do them...and I don't want to then cause she just told me to. Ah..the joys of parental closeness..physically. How she annoyed me the most this morning was walking in and saying,

Mom- "Eric this place is a mess."
Me- "My plan today was to clean all day and get the place looking as respectable as possible."
Mom- "Well it needs to be done."
Me- "I just haven't had time. Today I do"
Mom- "Well you need to start finding time."
Devil on Eric's Shoulder- "You know how easy it would be to slip something to knock her out for the rest of the day."
Angel on Eric's Shoulder- "Yeah..for God's Sake...do it."
Me- "Mom do you want a Pepsi?"

Ok...so the whole end of that conversation didn't happen....but everything up to "start finding time" was there. Grrr. Rehearsal shall set me free. Several people last night told me that Terrance likes me..That bodes well for me. YAY. I'll blog later.