Sunday, December 25, 2011

Soul Cancer

Unhappiness is the cancer of the soul. When irradiating it with love and companionship doesn't work sometimes the only way to deal with it is to cut out the source of the disease. If it stays it will feed on you until your soul withers and dies. I know people like that. I will not be that. What point is there to living if you are unhappy while doing it. I will not resign myself to a withered soulless shell. If I have to cut a piece of me away to do that...I will. I am tired of being unhappy. It will hurt for a while...but I have the strength of my friends and family. If someone isn't brave enough to take action then I suppose I will have to get rid of my association with this disease that is unhappiness. The source is something I hold very dear but if I have to cut it away with my own hands I will. This is a very dark post for Christmas..and I realize it. But as several very wise people have said lately this is a time for change. Universal change, no matter how hard it is easier when the world is with you. I will miss you if I have to cut you out....but I think I lost the person you were a while maybe the pain will be less. Goodnight.

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