Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Perpetual Weekday

So I am in the Macy's flow. It is constantly somewhere around Wednesday. The week has definetly started, it's not over tomorrow, and I'm tired. It's not a bad thing..just a little..wierd. I always have to ask myself what day it is...and more times than not..I have to ask someone else what day it is. Scrooge is over. It was fun. Alyson and I look....eerily in love...on screen. I can't help's wierd. I kissed Alyson...while doing it..not an issue at all...while watching's like "Wait a minute...those are our lips..and they are touching..and it looks like we are enjoying it." Wierded out. We made brownie in a cup..which was a big hit..probably mostly due to the fact that anyone who eats it experiences instant chocolate overload and will most likely be struck down by diabetes sometime next tuesday. That's all that's going on in my life really. Met some nice people in the parade...several of them I am going to make a conscious effort to get to know better in the next few days...Into The Woods is going to be fantastic..exspecially if Chuck gets to do the set he wants sounds usual. That man is a genius. Give him some styrofoam and he can give you anything...anything at all. Anyway..that's about it. Rollerblading is fun. I am thinking about taking it up as a hobby. It's a good excercise...except for the week ankles and the falling. But atleast on a normal rollerblading outting I wouldn't have to wear the clown makeup. By the way..if you see me..the make-up does make me feel like a kid again...mostly cause of the thrusting me back into puberty by causing huge acne breakouts all over my face...well not all over..just in two eyebrow patches above my eyes, two triangles under my eyes...and around my mouth(which is pretty much constantly a redish hue from the oversized smile that never seems to totally wash off.). Oh well. I'll blog more later.

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