Actively Waiting
So I am going to wait this out. The not having money, the worry about my job, the trying my damnedest to get things to work, the worrying, the pinching, the clenching, the hating....I am going to wait it out. I have great people around...I can make this work. My life is good...things are getting better at work...the artistic juices are flowing. We will see what comes of that.I am eagerly awaiting winter...well...Florida winter. It is a shadow of what a true winter is...but I love it. The crispness in the air, not having to use the A/C, dressing in layers, snuggling up in bed for that extra 5 minutes before you run barefooted across the cold carpet to a hot shower. And who knows..maybe I'll have someone to cuddle up with for that last 5 minutes...other than Blot. Christmas show is right around the corner...I will be rapping in the show..that should be..interesting. I feel my prowess in dancing has increased...though my rankings does not show that...but who am I to say. I love my job..when I get to do it...and I wouldn't mind the escorting if I wasn't making the same to escort characters now that my dad made in custodial over 30 years ago at Disney. Things will get better...a fortune cookie told me.
Results from the Christmas audition should be very very soon...they said 2 weeks..and that would be I will know something by then. And now..for a poem...cause I felt like it.
Waking from a dreaming dance,
the air cool and crisp,
snuggling under a cotton sea,
the waves warmer each wisp.
Time wishing to stand still,
the sea of sand still flows.
when this dance of tides will end,
only the snoozer does know.
A barefooted run across the ice,
that crunches and surrounds your toes.
Into a fall of warmest showers,
the dreaming finally coming to close.
Wrapped in wool,
you start your day.
Each moment clearer still.
Each solid breath,
bringing you closer,
to the dance of dreams you fill.
Eh...I've written better...oh well.