Saturday, March 17, 2007

End of an Era

So you may have noticed that I don't update my blog as recent as I used to...I don't know if anyone is still reading on a regular basis. I know that some check it on occasion to see if I bothered to type anything. Well...I think that this lack of writing might be a trend that continues....let's face it...I get myself in enough trouble when I open my mouth, I don't need to post it on the net all the time. is complicate, yeah relationships are hard(be it friend, foe, or love), yeah money's tight, but I am fairly certain that that my little rantings aren't helping any of that. Maybe I will start facing my demons in person, rather than writing them out for the world to see....or who knows..maybe I'll be back in a few weeks with something exciting. If you want to know what's going on with me..or ask me. That's really your best bet from now on.