I Just Need To Vent This
Life is good...I think it could be better...but it's good. I won't go into detail...but there is one specific aspect of my life that sucks right now...2 people in particular and they are pretty closely related. Anyway...I know that this blog makes no sense...but letting it go into the universe might....so that's what I'm doing. Today was Pork Day 1 in meat fab. I love me some pork....my pork chops were cut perfectly, perfectly cooked, stuffed perfectly with the breading that my team worked on, and then covered with my Sauce Robert..which did I mention..was perfect. I have an 89 in meat fab right now....and that's only cause I missed a day..if I hadn't missed that day..I would have a 98...but that's ok. Things are mostly good...mostly. That particular area of my life may be getting better....the removal process I believe began a while ago..and now the actual surgical strike is about to begin...followed by what I am sure will be a long process of irradiation to destroy the remaining bits of the relationships. Anyway...I'll talk to you later.